I wholeheartedly agree with a recent letter concerning California Highway Patrol ticketing practices (“Rethink ticketing priorities,” Miles Zarathustra, May 4).
I travel for business all over the state. Nowhere — and I repeat, nowhere — do I see so many young (clearly just of out training school) CHP officers waiting on the side of the road to practice their ticket-writing skills.
I’m all for ticketing those breaking the law, whether it be texting while driving, not wearing a seat belt or blatantly speeding, but they appear out to stop anyone for the most trivial of offenses.
Why is this? To raise money? Meet quotas? Or do they use Felton as a training ground for rookie officers?
My father-in-law was stopped outside the old sheriff’s office several years ago when it was a 25 mph zone. His “crime”? Going 29. Sorry, but that is harassment.
Even the county realized this was a ridiculous speed limit and raised it to 30 mph eventually.
As California slips deeper and deeper into the red, is this simply about money? Why else would they be so aggressive? Why so many patrol vehicles in Felton of all places?
What happened to the good old-fashioned community cop that would issue a warning for minor offenses? Some days, CHP assigns not one but two cars to cruise Felton. What gives? I just spent two weeks in Europe and did not see any police out writing tickets.
Why do Felton residents accept this activity? Are we really safer or just an ATM for the state coffers?
Nick Clifford, Felton

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