In response to the flying of a flag from a foreign country on one’s home, I would suggest that you fly the American flag with the New Zealand flag under it. After all, you are employed in this country and enjoying the fruits of the freedom and other amenities it offers, albeit temporarily.
The “climate” we’ve been living under for several years now is very tense. There are some who are rabidly patriotic and others who want to disrespect our country. We stand divided instead of united. Some may not understand your motivation for flying the New Zealand flag.
We are at war, the economy stinks, politicians and other leaders are taking advantage of their power over taxpaying citizens — it’s a time of high emotion, sadness and anger. Please play it safe and appease those who don’t understand your intention for flying the flag.
On a personal note, I fly the flag of North Carolina at the end of my driveway, not the flag of California, because I loved living in that state and the memory of it. I doubt anyone even knows what the flag is, but I’d like to think they would appreciate my reason for its presence, as I appreciate yours.
I wish you a safe and happy time in America!

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