How many of us have the mindset of keeping our fitness routine while traveling? We pack our fitness clothes with every intention of starting each morning with a run or a bodyweight session, but that doesn’t always pan out in that exact direction.

Instead, we decide to sleep in, get brunch with the others and just go with the flow of the day, while training gets pushed aside. There are little simple tricks to stay on track, train and still enjoy your vacation.

The key here is STICK TO THE PLAN and stay committed to your fitness routine as if it was another day in your weekly schedule. I know many of my clients fall off their fitness game when traveling for work or for pleasure. They are in a new place with new terrain that they are not accustomed to. Most important part is if you have a plan you will most likely succeed then fail.

Here are some ways to keep your fitness routine going even while you are traveling….


If you are in a time change, it might be a struggle, but you are much more likely to exercise in the morning when you have more control over your schedule and you haven’t gotten tired out from an entire day of working or sightseeing. So try getting up a half-hour early and make this your training time… I promise you, you won’t regret it!


I personally LOVE riding bikes on vacation, exploring the town and still getting my fitness in. Renting bikes is generally pretty easy. Many hotels or resorts offer bike rentals to guests or tourists.


It’s your vacation, so there is no better way to exercise than to incorporate some fitness related activities into your itinerary. This could be biking, hiking, swimming, climbing… you get the point. There are so many options that will work out your muscles and still give you the vacation you deserve.


Generally major hotels or resorts have fitness initiatives. Which provide fitness centers or even group classes you can join. I personally love joining the facilities group classes. It’s a great way to be active and social while meeting new faces.


Overcomplicating a fitness routine is the fastest way to bail on it when you’re traveling. Choose on a few, bodyweight workouts that you can do anytime. Be simple, think, push-ups, mountain climbers, lunges, and squats. These movements you can do anywhere or at the best in the morning before you start your day. Write down your fitness routine including reps and sets and have a timeframe you want your training session to be. Maybe turn on some music and get started.

Ashley LaMorte is a nationally certified fitness instructor and has been in the fitness industry close to a decade. Over the years she has gotten the opportunity to instruct group X boot camps at gyms and train private clients from all walks of life, all over the Bay Area. She now has her own mobile fitness business LaMorte Lift. Learn more at

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Ashley LaMorte is a nationally certified fitness instructor and has been in the fitness industry close to a decade. Over the years she has gotten the opportunity to instruct group X boot camps at gyms and train private clients from all walks of life, all over the Bay Area. She now has her own mobile fitness business, LaMorte Lift. Learn more at


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