letters to the editor

Law enforcement officers are nothing short of amazing

In response to Mr. Wes Modes’ letter (“Small Victory for Justice and Equality for All,” Jan. 5), I was saddened and disheartened to see someone say they were “celebrating every smashed-up police car as a victory for justice and equality for all.”

If his statement had not been so offensive, I would have laughed, but instead I’d like to point out that the vast majority of our law enforcement officers are nothing short of amazing, based on personal experiences and many travels.

If Mr. Modes really believes what he wrote, I would like to challenge him to: go on a “ride along” with an officer (of any agency, in any town); to make it more interesting, go on a ride along during the night shift; follow that officer into a dark alley, after being dispatched to a “shots fired” call; and bring a diaper, he will probably need it.

I won’t even comment on the ignorance of that smashed police car statement, but I definitely want to ask Mr. Modes if he has ever lived or been in another country. I have. Many. We have the best police officers in the world. And no, I am not, nor ever wanted to be a cop. 

I’m not willing to risk my life to help some high-on-drugs person trying to rob someone. I have, however, done a ride along a couple of times, and I would like to challenge him to try it if he has the guts.

Elisabet Hiatt

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