letters to the editor

Fireworks Were Spectacular

Just want to thank the city of Scotts Valley and the pyrotechnic wizards for the FANTASTIC firework show this year! I’ve lived in Scotts Valley for over 20 years and fireworks are one of my favorite things and the finale was by far the best ever! Thanks again!

Jann Smart, Scotts Valley

Stop the Shutoffs

Dear PG&E, you turned our power off today (6/14/22), and yesterday for a total of six hours.

Last summer, you turned off our power for 10 days, and 200 hours with the excuse that your new “smart” sensor detected that something touched the power line feeding the San Lorenzo Valley. We waited as your crews did an eight-hour walk down the line, and found no fires.

We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!

Your approach is not working, so please go with a program that I call HELO (Helicopter Electric Line Observation). When you get a sensor report, keep the power on as you make the 15-minutes flight along the line looking for smoke, or a roasted squirrel.

For readers, please cut out this letter, and mail it to John Laird, State Senator at 701 Ocean Street #318A, Santa Cruz CA, 95060. Our complaint is named SOS (Stop Our Shutoffs).

I teach leadership, and PG&E needs a serious lesson in leadership because it is failing at its job to provide electric power to its customers.

Curtis Panasuk, Ben Lomond 

The Press Banner welcomes letters to the editor and commentaries on all topics of local interest. Email your submissions to tnunez@weeklys. com. Letters must include the writer’s name and hometown (for publication) and phone number (for verification). Submissions may be edited, and will be published as space permits. Letters are limited to 250 words, commentaries to 500 words.

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