Grateful for coverage of local officers
In recent weeks the Press Banner has written several articles regarding our local law enforcement. When I see headlines about old officers or more recent officers passing on or retiring, it makes me very grateful.
I am grateful for the service and dedication these two officers wrote about recently, Officers Walpole and Ching, showed their communities. It is also very cool to see a local newspaper like the Press Banner acknowledging and celebrating that.
To our local police forces, thank you for your service.
To the Press Banner, thank you for recognizing a good thing. As 2024 marches on, please write about good and worthwhile things.
Jake White
Scotts Valley
Take action against SLVWD water rate increase
San Lorenzo Valley Water District ratepayers: Please send in your Protest Ballots now. Attend the Community Meeting on Saturday, Jan. 20, at Highland Park Senior Center at 10am until 12pm and raise your concerns. Bring your signed Protest Ballot and deliver it to the Board personally. Say NO to this plan.
The SLVWD proposed 48% five-year water rate increase is too expensive, unaffordable and inequitable. This outrageous rate hike must be rejected and sent back to the Board to bring us a better plan with rational rates that guarantee accountability.
We urgently need 4,080 ratepayer Protest Ballots sent by the district to every household with the increase notice returned ASAP (1,020 Protest Ballots are needed each week to meet the 51% threshold until the final deadline with only a few weeks remaining).
Tell all your local friends and neighbors. Please fill out, sign, mail with stamp or email to [email protected] or walk your Protest Ballot into the District office on Highway 9 in Boulder Creek before Feb. 15.
Our community should be aware that the cited rate increase over five years (10%, +10%, +7%, +7%, +7%) is deceptive, the largest rate increase in District history, and the highest rates in the County. It lacks a plan with specific budgets and timelines for repairs and capital investments in infrastructure.
New charges favor those who use more water over those who conserve. This inequity is outrageous, with no quantifiable cost of service included nor provided by the expensive consultant. Lower income families and seniors, thinking they will save on water will find it unaffordable, if the district does not receive 51% of the 8,000 SLVWD ratepayer Protest Ballots in time.
Please take action today. Protest Ballots are also found on the district website We’ll bring extra blank Protest Ballots to the meeting.
MD Lee
Ben Lomond
We welcome letters to the editor and commentaries on all topics of local interest. Email your submissions to [email protected]. Letters must include the writer’s name and hometown (for publication) and phone number (for verification). Submissions may be edited, and will be published as space permits. Letters are limited to 400 words, commentaries to 600 words.