letters to the editor

Felton Pump Track: Great Idea, Wrong Location 

Please consider alternative Felton locations for a pump track, on other public land that does not have the flooding, restroom, parking, traffic safety, and nuisance issues the Valley Women’s Club discusses on our website.

San Lorenzo Valley USD property and the back of the DPW Felton Yard are two locations that would have few of the concerns at Covered Bridge Park. 

The Felton and broader SLV community could participate in a brainstorming workshop for ideas on how to improve the underutilized active use area, currently an unmaintained volleyball court, that are aligned with the Felton Town Plan and Covered Bridge Park Master Plan. It is not too late to start fresh. 

The park is a public space, designed and built by the people and for the people of Felton as a visually beautiful open space for peaceful enjoyment with unobstructed views of the nationally registered historic bridge, not from the bridge. Please help us keep it that way while seeking to provide enjoyable physical activity opportunities for our youth. 

Alisan Andrews
President, Board of the Valley Women’s Club of the San Lorenzo Valley
Ben Lomond

Thanks to Emergency Network Supporters

We, the San Lorenzo Valley Emergency Network (SLVEN), would like to thank all the folks who joined us on Sept. 26 for our Town Hall about the Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps being updated by CalFire.

Over 100 people attended in total, including on Zoom and in person, at the Highlands Park Senior and Community Center. All were interested in the development of these zones, and their impact on real estate insurance and building costs.

Our speakers were: Deputy Chief Scott Witt, Office of the State Fire Marshal, in Sacramento, Fire Captain Frank Rodgers with CZU CalFire in Felton, SLVEN Board Chairperson Tami Tracey acting as moderator, Realtor Logan Andren with Andren Homes in Boulder Creek and Lindsay Speth from the FireWise Communities.

We would also like to recognize our guests: Assemblymember Gail Pellerin and staff member Maureen McCarty, Fifth District Supervisor Bruce McPherson, Boulder Creek Fire Chief Mark Bingham, Sergio Zarate with Sen. John Laird’s Office, and Adam Hensleigh, vice president of the Fire Safe Council, as well as the current declared candidates running for Fifth District Supervisor.

For those of you who may have missed this event, a recording will be available soon on the SLVEN website slven.org. Pellerin also announced she is organizing a town hall event about insurance in November. Please keep your eyes open for follow-up on this.

Thanks again to our wonderful involved community here in the San Lorenzo Valley!

Liz Taylor-Selling
Vice Chairperson, San Lorenzo Valley Emergency Network 

Vote Yes on Measure W

Have you seen those fire-engine-red Vote Yes on W signs? 

Longtime residents will tell you they cannot remember the last time the Scotts Valley Fire District asked for community financial support. Actually, it was 2006. The district has been managed with financial discipline since its inception in 1958. A review of the balance sheet will show no long-term debt for equipment or operations.

The Erba Lane Station was built by volunteers in 1964. Today, the building does not meet the safety and building code requirements for a modern fire station. A major earthquake could cause the roof to collapse and render the doors inoperable. This is a significant risk to any firefighters in the building and the department’s ability to respond to any emergency.

The district owns land at Mount Hermon Road and Highway 17 on La Madrona Drive. This location improves response time to the southern part of the district,  and eliminates a large number of responses annually with lights and sirens passing through intersections at the Middle School and the heavily traveled Mount Herman Road and Scotts Valley Drive.

Passage of Measure W is an investment in holding down the cost of our residential fire insurance. The Scotts Valley Fire Protection District enjoys the second most favorable fire insurance rating from ISO (Insurance Services Office). The district has a rating of 2 (the highest level is 1).

These are just some of the benefits and safety issues addressed by Measure W. For a more detailed accounting of the challenges our firefighters face every day, go to the district website scottsvalleyfire.com/ballot-measure.

Measurer W has received financial support and endorsement from the Scotts Valley Fire Fighters Local 3577. The safety of our community and our firefighters is a shared responsibility. 

I encourage you to Vote Yes on Measure W.

Chuck Maffia
Treasurer, Committee to Support Scotts Valley Fire Safety Bond Measure W

We welcome letters to the editor and commentaries on all topics of local interest. Email your submissions to [email protected]. Letters must include the writer’s name and hometown (for publication) and phone number (for verification). Submissions may be edited, and will be published as space permits. Letters are limited to 400 words, commentaries to 600 words.

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