Gardens can be designed with kids, dogs or healing in mind
A garden is the perfect example of the circle of life. A garden is nature's way of taking and giving back life to the earth. A garden represents the infinite nature of energy.
I was reminded of this when a friend lost her dog to...
Reverse Mortgages: Having your cake and eating it too
“The Urban Institute found that for 65 to 74 year olds, the percentage that held a traditional mortgage rose from less than 30 percent in 1989 to more than 40 percent in 2019…Median mortgage balances were just under $100,000.”
When homeowners reach roughly age 55,...
Supporting kids through back-to-school transitions
The back-to-school season can be a time of excitement and anticipation, but can also bring anxiety and stress for children. As parents and caregivers, supporting kids through these transitions is crucial, especially when it comes to their mental health.
Why are transitions hard for kids?
Plain Talk About Food: All About Eggs
“I try to take care and be gentle to them… Once broken, they become impossible to repair.” —Anne Sexton
Last week I received an email from a gentleman reader named Scott. Scott had read my cheesecake article, and Scott, a retired chef, was worried about...
Keep Highway 9 safe with 24/7 lights for all road users
If every bicyclist and vehicle (and smart pedestrian) ran with lights on 24/7 on Highway 9, we could avoid many unfortunate collisions going from stark sunny blindness to deep dark tree shade.
I have driven this road over 30 years and it is very scary...
OPINION | Where There’s Smoke: Felton Fire Faces Turmoil Amid Allegations, Resignations
Since 1935, Felton Fire Protection District (FFPD) has had a storied history of excellence in its care for the community and engagement with its constituents.
District members were known for their timely responsiveness, accommodating nature and continued support of and involvement in events within the...
Finance | Your Home, Your Wealth and Your Life Plan
“You don’t want to have so much money going toward your mortgage every month that you can’t enjoy life or take care of your other financial responsibilities.” —Dave Ramsey
Why would this CFP originate mortgages? So-called “financial planners” may be segmented by licenses and inclinations...
Letters to the Editor | Published Aug. 16, 2024
Heartfelt thanks to firefighters, community supporters
We’d like to thank all firefighters who came to our aid.
We also want to thank everybody who has supported us in dealing with this tragedy, including the GoFundMe account and the local electrician union #332 for all their hard...
The Mountain Gardener | Lessons from the Fire
My house in Bonny Doon burned down on Aug. 19, 2020. I know this because my neighbor sent me a photo the next day after the fire had moved on down the slope. The next spring quite a few of my plants were making...
Mayor’s Message | ‘Tis the Season
Like a garden full of spring flowers, tax measures are sprouting up all throughout the county this cycle. And who can blame the cities and county, as the inflation pressures and the unfunded mandates imposed by the state of California are stark reminders that...
Scotts Valley PD: Don’t rely on luck, choose a sober way...
St. Patrick’s Day is a time to celebrate with friends, family and good cheer. However, as the festivities often include alcohol, Scotts Valley Police...