Commentary: Be kind all the time
Sadly, the ending of the year 2012 will mostly be remembered for man’s inhumanity to man as witnessed in the town of Newtown, Conn.
Tiny Homes Can Be A Part Of Our Solution
As we head toward spring, I’m excited about a new affordable and environmentally friendly housing initiative that could address development challenges in the Fifth District, especially for CZU Fire survivors in search of alternatives to costly or complicated rebuilds.
The County’s Planning Commission recently indicated...
Fireworks Music Too Loud
I'm going to have second thoughts about going to Scotts Valley fireworks next year due to the LOUD music overpowering the fireworks enjoyment. Anyone know who to contact to complain about the LOUD music during the fireworks? Preventing us from hearing the fireworks or the crowd cheering and having conversation?
Meatloaf and Apple Pie
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased
at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!
I know not course others may take, but as for me,
give me liberty or give me death!”
- Founding father Patrick Henry
While riding in...
Opinion February 21st
I am writing to express my full support for Jack Gordon, who is running for Judge. My family and I are long time Watsonville residents, and have known Jack for many years. Personally, I have served with him on the Santa Cruz County Civil Service Commission. I have seen his intelligence, consideration and focused reasoning in different administrative and employment law matters. In each and every situation, Jack has brought his best effort to our Commission work, understanding and appreciating the impact our decisions have in people’s lives and in their workplace. He is an exceptional listener, compassionate, strong communicator and respectful colleague. I am certain that Jack Gordon would be a terrific Judge, who would engage with fairness and dignity in his duties, and I urge you to support him with your vote. Go to
Scotts Valley Council cheers fully-staffed milestone
As of mid-December, the City of Scotts Valley had caught up on its HR backlog and was fully staffed. This followed years of headaches...