Letter to the Editor | Published Aug. 9, 2024
Leadership and financial oversight failures plague SLV Water District
Our San Lorenzo Valley Water District faces shortfalls of leadership and financial oversight, and it is the customers who end up on the losing end.
Earlier this year at rate hearings among customer challenges, even district employees...
Plain Talk About Food | I Have a Piggy Bank
Years ago, a dear friend upgraded me to a Piggy Bank as she was tired of watching me put my nickels and dimes into a mason jar after my weekly grocery shopping. Only nickels and dimes went into that jar, a habit I’ve had...
The Mountain Gardener | The Magic of Grasses in the Garden
What was I thinking trying to talk a client out of adding grasses to her former lawn area? I gave her all the reasons she should focus on other low water use, low maintenance, deer resistant plants, but I can’t get the vision of...
Strictly Business | Greene’s Fine Jewelry: A Family’s Timeless Craft
When I think about precious stones, rubies, diamonds and sapphires come to mind. They are known as the “Red, White and Blue” stones in the industry. Recently, I visited William Greene Fine Jewelry Design out of curiosity. Little did I know about their rich...
Finance | Life Insurance: Who Needs It?
“Our advice—that term life is a better deal for most families—hasn't changed.” —Consumer Reports
Life insurance agents somehow think that life insurance is the ultimate solution to family financial planning. As a former Primerica Financial Services amateur, I cried “Buy Term and Invest the Difference!”...
Fitness | Benefits of Strong Knees
How are your knees? Knees are one of the largest and most complex joints of the body, your knees are crucial to movement, which means protecting knee joints should be a priority. Knees bear your body weight, allowing the full range of motion of...
The Mountain Gardener | Ceanothus – The Most Valuable Plant
When the huge numbers of California Tortoiseshell butterflies showed up around here on June 10, I learned a lot about the different species of ceanothus and how dependent we are on this plant. Because most of us live near or in a Wildland Urban...
Plain Talk About Food | Small Mercies
“I am thankful for small mercies. Some people expect only the best. I found that I begin at the other extreme…expecting nothing and am always full of thanks for unexpected blessings.” —Tim Man Lee, Wildlife Photographer
Since moving to my small “slice of Heaven” here...
TherapyWorks | The Power of Forgiveness and Its Impact on Mental Health
Practicing forgiveness can have powerful health benefits. Forgiveness is associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety, higher self-esteem, and greater life satisfaction. Understanding the power of forgiveness and its impact on mental well-being can help inspire you to forgive people in your life...
The Mountain Gardener | The Gardens of Poland
I’m vacationing this week in Oregon, visiting my webmaster Evan in Eugene and also my friend Janie who lives in the historic mining town of Jacksonville near Ashland. We have taken several trips together, including the Mayan ruins in Mexico and birding in Southeast...
Scotts Valley PD: Don’t rely on luck, choose a sober way...
St. Patrick’s Day is a time to celebrate with friends, family and good cheer. However, as the festivities often include alcohol, Scotts Valley Police...