Letter: Bethany U should set better example
I am very disappointed in the students and staff of Bethany University. All of the kids have left their dorms for the summer, and when they cleaned out their dorms, one Dumpster was supplied. In it went perfectly good rugs, many couches, good tables and bags full of perfectly good clothing.
Editor’s Notebook: Grab this election by the horns
At a retirement party for a longtime Scotts Valley teacher, I bumped into Tricia Webber, who works for the county elections department coordinating and training all the polling place staff for Election Day.
Commentary: What kind of state do we want to live in?
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s May revise of the 2010-11 budget represents a cynical attack on the most vulnerable people in California.
Editorial: Our choices for Santa Cruz judges
In an unusual election year, two judicial seats in the Santa Cruz County Superior Court are up for election June 8.
Scotts Valley PD: Don’t rely on luck, choose a sober way...
St. Patrick’s Day is a time to celebrate with friends, family and good cheer. However, as the festivities often include alcohol, Scotts Valley Police...