Letters to the Editor | Published Feb. 9, 2024
Majority of ratepayers being left behind
It’s hard to believe the San Lorenzo Valley Water District promotes this rate increase as supporting water conservation. Anyone taking a few minutes to run the numbers out will see right away it’s the opposite.
None of the four board...
Plain Talk About Food | Roses are Red, the Violet’s Blue…
It was in the year 1590, Sir Edmund Spense continued his poem… “the honey’s sweet, and so are you.” And the last two lines of this poem, “The lot was cast and then I drew, and Fortune said it shou’d be you,” has been...
Guest Viewpoint | Proposed Water Rate Increase Doesn’t Address Common-Sense Issues
There’s a rumor afloat that all San Lorenzo Valley Water District Board Directors support a rate increase. As one of those Directors, and speaking only for myself, let me set the record straight.
I oppose the rate increase proposal for the following reasons:
It unfairly punishes...
The Mountain Gardener | A Rose by Any Other Name
When Juliet tells Romeo that “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” she must have been referring to the Compassion rose. Actually, this line is not in the original version of Shakespeare’s play but was an edit in 1599, according to...
Letters to the Editor | Published Feb. 2, 2024
SLV Water District Board must find a better plan
The San Lorenzo Valley Water District rate increase proposal is flawed by stark inequities and excessive costs, showcasing the weakness of the Board in managing our District’s finances.
Their primary duty is to us, with effective oversight,...
Strictly Business | Unplug to Power Up: How Vacations Can Boost Business Success
In today’s fast-paced business world, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily pressure of life, with endless to-do lists, social media notifications and the constant pressure to excel. However, many business professionals overlook the incredible power of taking a vacation.
It may seem...
Mayor’s Message | State’s Housing Plans a Cause for Concern
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who postulated that the government closest to the people governs best. That maxim is being sorely tested each and every year as the edicts and mandates flow wildly from our state government in Sacramento to over-burdened cities and...
TherapyWorks | The Importance of Mental Wellness
January was Mental Wellness Month—a great time to start fresh and focus on prioritizing your mental health. Mental wellness is an important part of our overall health and wellbeing. It not only affects our emotional and psychological state, but also plays a vital role...
The Mountain Gardener | Bare Root Edibles – Invest in the Future
It’s not too late, but time is running out if you’re looking to add fruit and nut trees, berries and vegetables to your garden while they’re still available in bare root. Did you know just how long that new fruit tree will be around...
Finance | Entrepreneur Tax
Starting one’s own business is an archetypal American dream and I have personally prepared Schedule C proprietorships as small as part-time jewelry sales gigs or as large as a property management business that pulled in over a million dollars a year.
Twenty percent of returns...
Scotts Valley PD: Don’t rely on luck, choose a sober way...
St. Patrick’s Day is a time to celebrate with friends, family and good cheer. However, as the festivities often include alcohol, Scotts Valley Police...