Fitness | Making Health Simple
Does trying to be healthy feel so far out of reach? You are busy trying to balance work, family and other responsibilities. As a result, your health goals and good intentions are often put on hold. But, being healthy does not have to be...
The Mountain Gardener | Garden Inspiration Overload
I’d been waiting for the tour of Griggs Wholesale nursery in Watsonville for a while. This company bought Suncrest Nursery last year and has breathed new life into it. A favorite for years, Suncrest had a reputation for excellence and this new version is...
Finance | Planning for Deficits with Trump and Harris
With staged propaganda at partisan conventions, both parties hide from federal or Social Security deficits they caused. With local Democratic victory inevitable, consider character and creed, foreign policy and social justice all philosophically and vote boldly on principle!
Behold: the CFP as economist advising you!...
Strictly Business | Leadership Santa Cruz: Shaping Our Future
Psychology Today says, “community provides belonging, support and identity.” Indeed, Santa Cruz County understands the power of community. We have united in the face of earthquakes, fires and Covid-19, to mention a few significant challenges. Through these tribulations, we have come together with collective...
Plain Talk About Food | Pass the Salt, Please
“Ye are the salt of the earth.” —Jesus of Nazareth
At the age of 5 years old, I would eat my bowl of oatmeal or cream of wheat while looking at the little Morton’s “salt girl” who carried her umbrella and her blue container of...
Letter to the Editor | Published Sept. 6, 2024
Concerns raised over SLVWD Board’s fiscal responsibility and transparency
I’m responding to the letters from Jim Mosher (Aug. 16) and Debra Loewen (Aug. 9) regarding San Lorenzo Valley Water District. There are serious issues facing the District, which Mr. Mosher has evaded in his response...
The Mountain Gardener | Enjoying the September Garden
September is a month that signals change in the garden. You can feel the weather shifting. Days are not always quite so hot and the nights are longer and cooler. Some plants are at their prime, while others are winding down for the season.
Gardens can be designed with kids, dogs or healing in mind
A garden is the perfect example of the circle of life. A garden is nature's way of taking and giving back life to the earth. A garden represents the infinite nature of energy.
I was reminded of this when a friend lost her dog to...
Reverse Mortgages: Having your cake and eating it too
“The Urban Institute found that for 65 to 74 year olds, the percentage that held a traditional mortgage rose from less than 30 percent in 1989 to more than 40 percent in 2019…Median mortgage balances were just under $100,000.”
When homeowners reach roughly age 55,...
Supporting kids through back-to-school transitions
The back-to-school season can be a time of excitement and anticipation, but can also bring anxiety and stress for children. As parents and caregivers, supporting kids through these transitions is crucial, especially when it comes to their mental health.
Why are transitions hard for kids?
New California laws take effect in 2025
California lawmakers in 2024 introduced 4,821 bills, but most of them were tossed or otherwise rejected during the months-long legislative process, during which most...