61.6 F
Scotts Valley
March 8, 2025
music in the park, psychedelic furs

New Faces

Sophia Jasmin-Elizabeth Stewman was born at 2:30 p.m. June 11, 2009, to Jacquelyn Eraina and Casey Jubilee Stewman of Boulder Creek. She weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces at Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital.

Of mice and (young) men

Recent research, based on both animal and human studies, has provided us with a greater understanding of the dangers of nicotine, as well as the increased risk faced by adolescents who use psychoactive substances.

Club Roundup

Kiwanis Club of Scotts Valley

Geraniums – Wallflowers of the nursery, workhorses of the garden

I feel sorry for them. They are the wallflowers of the nursery. Shoppers barely glance their way before moving on to attention-getters like dinner-plate dahlias.

Curtis sings the blues as opener

Jayme Kelly Curtis puts down the dulcimer and picks up the guitar and ukulele to show her blues roots as she opens for Baby Gramps at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 24, at Don Quixote’s in Felton.

Albacore heaven in Monterey Bay

In the world of ocean fishing, it seems as though when a season is good for one species of fish it is good for most fish. What this means is that the Monterey Bay has had a very prolific year.

Valley people

U.S. Army Pfc. Harper H. Evans, son of Daja Evans of Scotts Valley, has completed combat training at Fort Jackson, in Columbia, S.C., with honors.

New faces

Quinn William Orion Homan was born at 12:25 p.m. May 26, 2009, to Christine Marie Gilbert and Joshua William Homan of Scotts Valley. He weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital.

Doctors are fathers, too

Happy Father’s Day to my late grandfather, Norman Hollenbeck, M.D., and my father, Stanley Hollenbeck, M.D. You both were the inspiration that led me to my chosen career of medicine. How proud I felt when I graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin, the same medical school that both of you attended.

Find plants with intrigue for several seasons

Driving east to Yosemite recently, I was reminded of how diverse botanically and geologically is the state of California.


News Briefs

News Briefs | Published March 7, 2025

RTC to host Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is hosting an Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure...