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Scotts Valley
January 9, 2025

Scotts Valley selects Urban Field Studio for $160,000 Town Center design update

Scotts Valley City Council voted Oct. 4 to hand a $160,000 contract to Urban Field Studio for the plan refresh of the previously mothballed Town Center project it's counting on to reinvigorate the community and help it achieve its housing goals. City Manager Mali LaGoe...

Scotts Valley USD recognizes October as LGBTQ+ history month

An energized crowd attended the Scotts Valley Unified School Board meeting Sept. 26 to show their support for a resolution recognizing October as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) history month. The text pointed to ’60s rights activists Sylvia Rivera and Martha P. Johnson,...

Horse Sense Education and Advocacy Nonprofit aims to heal horses and help humans

Horse Sense Education and Advocacy Nonprofit (HSNP) presented its Diamond Heart fundraiser dinner at Scapazzi’s Italian Cuisine on Oct. 12. Aimed at building connections and partnerships between horses and humans that empower and enrich lives, HSNP is a verified, 501(c)3 certified nonprofit based in Felton. Over...

Mountain Affair to honor longtime food pantry volunteer

Longtime food pantry volunteer Shelley Young will receive the Green Heart Award at the 38th annual Mountain Affair benefiting Mountain Community Resources. The fundraiser event will be held Friday, Oct. 20, from 5-9pm at Ristorante Casa Nostra in Ben Lomond. Named for Mary Hammer, one...

Santa Cruz County launches housing and homelessness dashboard

County of Santa Cruz
County of Santa Cruz has launched a public-facing dashboard allowing the community to explore one of the major issues facing the community: housing costs and how they impact homelessness. Since 1980, the County has added 80,000 people but only 26,000 housing units, leading to increases...

October means bluegrass music and train fun at Roaring Camp

Take a landmark in the San Lorenzo Valley like Roaring Camp Railroads, add some beer, bluegrass music, Thomas the Train and fabulous fall fun, and you’ve got a month to remember in Felton. This weekend, sounds of the fourth annual Brewgrass Festival will fill the...

‘The Comedy of Terrible Errors’ comes to San Lorenzo Valley

San Lorenzo Valley High School’s Theatre Department presents “The Comedy of Terrible Errors,” written by Don Zolidis, this October. This comedy, based on William Shakespeare’s “The Comedy of Errors,” is directed by San Lorenzo Valley seniors Mary Calden and Marcus Spracklen and is presented Oct....

Scotts Valley Unified School District takes action to reduce student absences

On Tuesday night, the Scotts Valley Unified School District designated September as Attendance Awareness Month as part of an effort to crack the whip, gently, on students who haven’t been showing up to school. As Scotts Valley skews affluent, schools here don’t get as much...

News Briefs | Published Sept. 29, 2023

News Briefs
Library talk features county’s geology A presentation called “What's Shaking Santa Cruz County?” is set for Saturday, Sept. 30, at 1pm at the Boulder Creek Public Library. Led by speaker Poppageno, the short talk will discuss the geology of Santa Cruz County. Find out where...

Celebrate all things German during Oktoberfest Santa Cruz on Saturday

For 50 years, the Tyrolean Inn in Ben Lomond was the home to all things German in the San Lorenzo Valley. From schnitzel to spaetzle, the former restaurant was THE place for locals to celebrate Oktoberfest from mid-September to early October. With the October 2022...



Felton meeting to discuss Highway 9 preventative maintenance project

Caltrans will host a public meeting next week in Felton to hear project details and provide input regarding the upcoming South Santa Cruz Highway...