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Scotts Valley
October 17, 2024

Tag: Santa Cruz

The family on a hill

If the Judge and Mrs. Logan had been as busy as usual, Brookdale might not have happened.  Unseated in the 1896 election, James Harvey Logan could not return to his previous job as bank president because a close friend was doing it.  Meanwhile, the former Catherine Murphy was experiencing a serious case of empty nest syndrome.

Unsung Heros: BC resident volunteering in Mexico and Baja

There are some wonderful people living here in Santa Cruz County. They give, they share, they smile, and then they give some more. Some of these unsung heroes, like small-aircraft pilot Bill Rush of Boulder Creek, have been using what once were weekend-getaways to set up free clinics in small towns in Mexico and Baja California to treat patients who otherwise wouldn’t receive medical and dental care.On one of those weekend getaways many years ago, Rush and his friends, increasingly cognizant of the harsh living conditions of the locals of whom they'd become quite fond, decided to do something about it. Since the only clinics available to these families were prohibitively far away, and their towns were not covered by any other organizations, Rush and fellow traveler Tom Hoganco-founded “Comunidad Para Baja California” with volunteer doctors, dentists and translators. Equipped with lawn chairs, flashlights, doctor’s satchels and a lot of good will, Rush and his passengerscame to incarnate the saying, “If the mountain won’t go to Mohammed . . .”     Rush and his passengers each contribute $250 for gas and other traveling necessities and they head out on their “Mexican vacation”, to share the wealth, so to speak, with our neighbors to the south. Undaunted by the task at hand, with as many as a 100 people lined up since early morning, these long-awaited doctors from “el Norte” (the North) calmly treat one person at a time.    Realizing the wisdom of the saying,”Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,”Rush and his dedicated volunteers go even further. They educate the parents and their children about correct dental hygiene, sometimes in separate tents, and sometimeswhile they’re standing in line.    Speaking of education, one of Baja Comunidad’s most stirring successes has been their BECA Scholarship Program, which pays for indigenous children to go to middle and high school, since the Mexican government only provides education through the sixth grade. In 2008, at its inception, BECAsponsored 140 elementary-school students. The program has expanded greatly, sponsoring a total of 267 BECA students in 2017: 58 to attend college and 209 high & middle-school students. All of this has been accomplished through generous donations, where $150 pays for fees and other necessities for a student to attend the next school year.           Baja Comunidadhas joined forces with local groups, and even the Mexican government, to provide essential infrastructural services to towns, benefitting the whole community. For example, they’ve brought potable water to entire towns, and built bathrooms and installed fans and heaters for schools. Rush’s non-profit organization has proven so successful that it’s still going strong fourteen years later, and it’s been having a wonderful trickle-down effect: the younger generation is even more interested in preventative care and in following a healthy lifestyle than their parents were.    Rush explains, “These young people have seen the missing teeth in the smiles of their parents, and they don’t want to follow the same path. Some have cell phones and access to the internet, and they share with each other, developing new ideas of health & beauty. They want to learn from their parents’ mistakes.    Baja Comunidad has room for new doctors, dentists and assistants. If you have time to volunteer, contact Bill Rush at 408-499-5088, or visit their website at www.bajacomunicad.org. To donate, contact Tina Hogan at 408-234-1080.  Lyse Clivaz McGilvery is both a teacher and student with a passion for Boulder Creek. She can be reached at [email protected]

Working towards reducing gun violence

According to the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics there are over 500,000 shootings per year. As law enforcement executives in Santa Cruz County, each of us individually may have different views of how best to reduce gun violence, but we all committed to providing leadership to prevent and reduce gun violence and to keep our children and teachers safe in our schools. Here are just some of the practices we agree will make a difference.

Scotts Valley Town Center updates

There’s something tempting for developers in the proposed Town Center development but, thus far, various ideas for the 58-acre parcel in downtown Scotts Valley have turned up short.

Locally known acupuncturist starts free health clinic in Felton

The partnership between local herbalist and acupuncturist Michael Tierra and Roxanne Moore, program manager for Mountain Community Resources happened, you could say, naturally.

Community datebook

Local Happenings

SMGWA aims to maintain water flow

The Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency (SMGWA) was formed about a year ago to ensure a healthy flow of ground water year round.

Some words from your Mayor Jim Reed

Residents of Scotts Valley know that there’s no finer place to raise a family and enjoy small town a sense of community that’s rarely found anywhere these days, all amidst soaring redwoods, next to stunning beaches and 45 minutes from the most dynamic economy in the world.  The first job for any civic leader is to maintain this incredible quality of life that we enjoy, which I think can be done while making needed progress in several areas:

Next steps for marijuana regulations

Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors approved a draft of rules and regulations for growing marijuana for commercial sale at a special meeting on Feb. 5. The proposed ordinances, with several recommendations made by various supervisors, now go to the Planning Commission for review. More public input will be requested on Feb. 28 before being returned to the Board of Supervisors for an additional hearing and final adoption in March.  

Get trees now, before they blossom

It’s been a weird winter, weather-wise, but aren’t they all one way or another? My flowering plum is blooming weeks early. I have an Autumnalis flowering cherry tree that blooms several times a year. The last blooming cycle started in late November and it’s still blooming now. This tree came into my life 20 years ago as a bare root tree. We’re old friends. Now is the time to add ornamentals and edibles like fruit, nuts, berries and vegetables while they’re available in bare root form. They are easy to plant, economical and establish quickly.



Candidates take center stage in San Lorenzo Valley Water District Board...

With the November election just weeks away, residents are facing an onslaught of information regarding candidates and ballot measures. Previously, the Press Banner focused...