81.9 F
Scotts Valley
September 7, 2024

Tag: traffic

Driver who hit and killed pedestrian lambasts Caltrans

Every time Jeremy Paul Shreves rides the bus past the place where he accidentally killed pedestrian Josh Howard with his SUV in 2019, he...

Public input sought for Felton traffic study

The draft of a key traffic study that seeks to fix problems with dangerous portions of Highway 9 has been released. The Santa Cruz County...

Zayante couple’s romantic dinner plans thwarted by crash

As a leukemia survivor who’s aware of his fragile immune system, 53-year-old David Dougherty doesn’t often risk heading out into public with his 50-year-old...

Hwy 9 closure squeezes Ben Lomond businesses

The fallen branches have been neatly arranged along a rock border next to the La Placa Family Bakery parking lot as the sun streams...

Highway 9 plan ready for comment

People in San Lorenzo Valley still have several chances to comment on a draft plan to reshape Highway 9.



Paddy Smith Park blooms with new garden at Santa Cruz County...

The beautiful Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds are growing even more beautiful thanks to a colorful landscaping project at Paddy Smith Park. Jeff Rosendale, with Sierra...