Tracing Our Holiday Traditions
We all have traditions that we look forward to every year during the holidays. For some it’s the annual trip to the Christmas tree farm. For others it’s planning a holiday get-together with friends and family. While decorating my tree this year I thought...
Useful info for you about toxic holiday plants
I have a cat named Archer. He’s a little too vocal sometimes but thankfully, he doesn’t chew on plants. If he did or if small children were about during the holidays I’d be sure to put some of my holiday plants out of their...
Capturing Babies, Pets and Family
Their business tagline is ‘Boutique Photographers and soon-to-be-best friends.’
We meet great people at networking events, so while attending the Women’s Business Network-SLV on Nov. 17, I met two businesswomen whose enthusiasm for their work was contagious, inspiring this article. Shannon Somers and Christina Re...
Christmas Memories
“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it many dark places;
but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love
is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps more the greater.
All we have to decide is what to do...
Thank You, Scotts Valley, for a Great Year
As we celebrate the holidays, I am very thankful for our community, Scotts Valley City Staff and our various commissioners and fellow city council members. I look forward to continuing the good work that has been accomplished through the pandemic, including 2022.
It’s been exciting...
Tofurky or Turkey This Year?
Last week I had the pleasure of greeting the guests at the Donor’s Gala held at the new Performing Arts Center in Scott’s Valley. Not only did I welcome the guests in, but I did my best to wish each and everyone a Happy...
BOO! Downtown Boulder Creek
What do The Adventure Gift Store, Air and Fire, Boulder Creek Outfitters, Treasures from the Attic, Viscosity, Lille Aeske, and the Springy Girl all have in common? They, along with at least eight other businesses, are located downtown Boulder Creek (B.C.), and on Oct. 31,...
Halloween Ideas from the Garden
My little neighborhood goes all out decorating for Halloween. It’s fun to see what the kids have created with some simple supplies. I only have a small display with a pumpkin, colorful winter squash and mums along with some DIY ghosts made from dinner napkins....
Get Ready for Fall Color
The weather has been perfect for us to have great fall color this year. Because it’s been warm during the day and chilly at night I’m looking forward to the show. Many trees and shrubs are already showing color because they are stressed from...
To Beef or Not to Beef
“I enjoy cooking with wine,
sometimes I even put it in the food I’m cooking.”
- Julia Child
Give me a good old American-style beef pot roast, with all its dark wine-rich drippings and a crusty French roll, and I am in heaven.
In just one week, my...
Pile burning set for Feb. 10-12 in Ben Lomond and Scotts...
Two pile burns are tentatively planned for Feb. 10-12 in Ben Lomond and Scotts Valley on Land Trust of Santa Cruz County land and...