Homegrown Tomatoes
Alaska, where the Crows created the world
And the Ravens brought the sunlight
- Native quote
I have been in Alaska and my hometown of Aberdeen, Washington for the past two weeks and my traveling shoes are beginning to show serious wear, not to mention wear on...
My Traveling Shoes
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness,
and many of our people need it solely on these accounts.
Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things
cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of
the earth all one’s lifetime.
- Mark Twain
While taking my ‘traveling...
Cabrillo’s ‘Candide’ is a Force
Promoted as a “Satire of Innocence, Optimism and the Unexpected Lessons of Life,” Cabrillo Stage’s adaptation of Voltaire’s “Candide” is a glorious conglomeration of the very best that local theater has to offer. Incredibly funny, fast-paced and thoroughly engaging, the comical operetta grips the...
Inflation Mandates Government be More Accountable, Transparent and Efficient
Across the world and here in Scotts Valley, people’s paychecks are being stretched like never before. With U.S. inflation running at its highest rate in the last 40 years, virtually everything requires more money—bacon now costs what steak used to, eggs are approaching $5...
How Scotts Valley is Addressing Gun Violence
With the recent tragic shootings across the Nation including Uvalde Texas, there is encouragement with the historic bipartisan action taken by Congress. It’s been challenging to balance an individual’s 2nd Amendment rights while protecting public safety. Recent action taken by Congress will make a...
Meatloaf and Apple Pie
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased
at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!
I know not course others may take, but as for me,
give me liberty or give me death!”
- Founding father Patrick Henry
While riding in...
The Making of Superheroes in Business
When you think of superheroes’ characteristics, what comes to mind?
You might think they have superpowers and they fight against oppression and wrongdoing. But in business today, just being fair is nothing compared to having the ability to lead and engage others to become their...
What are the Odds?
You never think that the last time is the last time.
You think there will be more.
You think you have forever, but you don’t.
- unknown
I believe it was in 1977 while my Hubby Norm and I were living in Santa Barbara, that he announced, “we...
Finding color in shady gardens
Recently I spent some time in a friend’s garden in Bonny Doon. This spectacular garden was included on Valley Church’s Garden Tour several years ago when several Bonny Doon gardens were featured. As in many gardens, there are some sunny spots and lots of...
Scotts Valley PD: Don’t rely on luck, choose a sober way...
St. Patrick’s Day is a time to celebrate with friends, family and good cheer. However, as the festivities often include alcohol, Scotts Valley Police...