55.6 F
Scotts Valley
September 16, 2024

Issues from 2020 will follow us into 2021

Bruce McPherson
By Bruce McPherson, County Supervisor It’s an understandable instinct at the end of each calendar year to wrap up undone business and start the new year fresh. Unfortunately, 2020 will not afford us that opportunity as two big issues will carry over into 2021 and...

When good plants go bad-toxic holiday plants

jan nelson
With the holiday season upon us, I like colorful plants on my tabletop and window sill. But how safe are holiday plants for pets like my cat Archer and dog Sherman or for small children? I have a beautiful poinsettia on the table and, soon,...

A Thanksgiving poem

Once upon a time when our area was underwater there were no parks or trails or trees or gardens. I'm thankful that our mountains rose from an ancient ocean so we could enjoy this beautiful place we call home.  I'm thankful for the Bigleaf maples that shower me with...

All gardens change with time

The Mountain Gardener
Whether you want them to or not all gardens change with time. It’s part of nature that the fittest survive. Possibly you have different ideas of what you want your garden to look like but it’s hard to fool Mother Nature. Several years ago...

Enriching the Soil With Cover Crops

Every drop of rain that hits bare soil is destructive. Over 3,000 years ago the Chinese protected their soil from erosion and increased fertility by planting cover crops. Early Nile Valley inhabitants also practiced this method of agriculture as did first century Romans. Lupines...

Taking Steps to Help Community Rebuild

czu fire
As we move into November, there is a lot of progress being made on supporting recovery from the CZU Lightning Complex fires—preparing residents to rebuild and protecting the community at-large from the likely hazard of debris flows. Crews working for the Environmental Protection Agency have...

Understanding Emotions of Kids, Teens and Helping Them Cope

Maaliea Wilbur TherapyWorks Being a kid or teen is hard. It’s even harder in 2020. Kids are resilient, but they also have emotions just like adults. They get anxious, stressed, sad, angry and depressed. It is one of our goals at TherapyWorks to provide resources and...

Getting Back Into a Fitness Routine

Are you out of your fitness routine? Getting back into exercise when you’ve taken time off can be intimidating. You may feel a little lost on where to start. It doesn’t matter how much Covid-19 couch time you’ve had during your exercise hiatus, you...

Measure A For the Health of Our Schools

Resilience, gratitude, and patience.  So much has happened since my last column in June, I don’t even know where to begin. This time last year, we were dealing with PSPS power outages that we thought were very disruptive and challenging. Little did we know… A...

Recognizing Down Syndrome Awareness Month

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. This disorder has particular meaning to me because when I married my dear wife Beth, I gained not only a wonderful wife but also an equally incredible Down syndrome brother-in-law named Danny. Coincidentally, Danny had been a patient...



Scotts Valley State of the City set for Thursday

The 2024 Scotts Valley State of the City takes place Thursday, Sept. 19, from 4-6:15pm at the new Scotts Valley Cultural and Performing Arts...