Mountain music in the key of life
When Sydney Gorham was five years old, she started her first business, “Sydney’s Outdoor Chore Service.” The tiny entrepreneur waddled throughout her San Jose neighborhood with a bucket of cleaning supplies and a stack of handmade business cards in hand; Gorham went door-to-door and...
Press-Banner Kids of Summer 2.0 Essay Contest
The Press-Banner is currently accepting essays for its Kids of Summer Essay Competition.
The Mountain Gardener: Careful plant choice, maintenance makes a difference
The landscape is so lush in May. Shades of green are everywhere you look — apple green, grass green, forest green, spring green, pine, olive, lime, jade, chartreuse, kelp, sage. Did you know the human eye can identify more than 200,000 shades of green?
Evacuation, Anxiety, Fear and Amazement
Tuesday night my partner received an alert on her phone that Boulder Creek was getting evacuated, the fire was spreading and from that point on is when everything took a turn for the worst. Coming from the Bay Area of San Jose and moving to Felton has all been very new territory and uncommon experiences from what I’m used to. Being evacuated from my home has been an experience I never thought I’d have to encounter. Emotions have been high, feelings of uncertainty, fear, and possible loss of my home have been running through me in waves this past week.
Talk about money: Time to think long-term
November is long-term-care awareness month, so I thought it appropriate and important to share some thoughts on a subject I’m passionate about: the frequent need for custodial care and how it should be adequately planned for.
Sustainable living: ‘Re-Skilling’ for an uncertain tomorrow
Many of us know how to set up a home wireless network, assemble a children’s bicycle, scour the web for cheap air fares, and perform other tasks that define contemporary life for many Americans.
The Mountain Gardener: “Houseplants and How to grow them in winter”
Some of my houseplants look a little sad. They were forced to give up their regular place for the Christmas tree and table top decorations and the leaves are droopy. They need to be returned to normal where they can feed on toxins. Houseplants absorb toxins from the air in your house. We spend more time indoors in the winter and create more toxins. The plant’s natural anti-toxin job is an important function so let your houseplants work for you to keep clean air in your house.
Healthy Living: Twelve ways to a healthier 2012
There was a time when we thought of health as simply the absence of disease. As long as you were not sick and had low blood pressure and good cholesterol readings, you were seen as a healthy person. Today, we recognize that our health is defined by many other factors, such as what we eat, physical fitness, sleep, levels of stress, emotional well-being, feeling connected to others and our general outlook on life.
The Heartbeat of Life
I was talking with a neighbor the other day, and I asked him how life was going. He replied, ‘Oh, you know, it’s like an EKG graph; up and down.” This got me thinking about the heartbeat of life. It does consist of up and down phases. With Covid-19, social justice issues, and politics, this has been a challenging year. These stressors are on top of the other difficulties we are already experiencing in our own personal lives. Then came the fires, which pushed most all of us over the edge into emotional exhaustion. In the heartbeat of life, we are definitely experiencing a down phase on that EKG graph!
The Press Banner Goes Live!
Listen to Think Local First Radio's Show on August 1st, to hear a little about the current COVID state of the Press Banner from our Managing Editor Cherie La France-Anderson. Here's the link: Cherie's interview begins at 20:00.
Rising golf star hosts junior charity tournament this weekend at Pasatiempo
In 2023, then-13-year-old Lucius Niesen from Scotts Valley was on fire on the links. Having taken first place in the Hurricane Junior Golf Tour’s...