53.2 F
Scotts Valley
November 25, 2024

Talk about money: Cashing in: An uncommon Social Security strategy for married couples

The retirement landscape has dramatically changed over the past several years, with declining retirement accounts, savings accounts and home prices. At the same time, medical costs are rapidly rising, life expectancies are increasing and Social Security benefits are not growing at nearly the same pace as inflation. For many — dare I say most? — tough decisions are at hand about postponing or reformulating a retirement that’s no longer affordable.

Sports Shorts

Torch passes throughScottsValley

The Mountain Gardener: Dramatic grasses serve function, add beauty

One of the most dramatic sights in a garden is an ornamental grass backlit by late-afternoon sun. They seem to come alive as their tawny flowers spikes glow and sway in the breeze.

Talk about money: Housing prices rise in county

After dropping from 2006 to 2011, home prices in Santa Cruz County have jumped 17 percent in the past year as bargain-hunting investors find that rising rents and rock-bottom interest rates are again making it profitable to be a landlord.

The Mountain Gardener: Properly remove cover crops to reveal better soil

Orin Martin of the Alan Chadwick Garden on the University of California, Santa Cruz campus is widely admired for his incredible knowledge and skills as a master orchardist, horticulturalist and teacher. I was lucky when, a couple of years ago, he visited a group of fellow designers and brought his favorite russet apples. Another time, he brought a dozen different kinds of potatoes that we roasted, critiqued and thoroughly enjoyed.


- Submit Datebook items to [email protected], or drop off press releases or photos at 5215 Scotts Valley Drive, Ste. F, Scotts Valley 95066. Deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday. Entries are subject to editing, and publication is not guaranteed.

Mountain Gardener: Peace found in garden design

A garden has many purposes. It's a place to grow delicious tomatoes and mouthwatering fruit picked ripe off the tree. It's a place to read your favorite book on a comfy chair in the shade. It's a place to watch birds and butterflies when they visit the flowers you've planted just for them. It's a place to go when you need to get away from all the hustle and bustle of daily life. And it's a place of healing.

Let’s go fishin’: Are salmon stocks as strong as predicted?

Salmon counts fueled some high expectations and liberal seasons were set for commercial and sport fishing, and so far, plenty of fish are hitting the docks. During all this excitement, we may ask, are there as many salmon as expected?



New Scotts Valley Council members look forward to making their mark

After first-place finisher Donna Lind, the incumbent for Scotts Valley City Council, local voters selected Steve Clark—a retired law enforcer, known for volunteering around...