55.3 F
Scotts Valley
January 18, 2025

Letter: SLV should vote local


The Mountain Gardener: Fall tasks help the garden thrive come spring

It came out of the earth suddenly, pushing soil and plants that were in its way to the side. Just a bit of moisture had allowed this large clump of honey mushrooms to emerge and start its path to reproduction. At this time of year when the trees are turning the color of flame and some have already gone into dormancy it seems the earth is growing silent. Winter will soon be here. For nature life continues. Look around you and be thankful for the bounty, the restfulness, the time to enjoy these beautiful mountains that we call hom

DATEBOOK: Oct. 9 to Nov. 6

Submit Datebook items to [email protected], or drop off press releases or photos at 5215 Scotts Valley Drive, Ste. F, Scotts Valley 95066. Deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday. Entries are subject to editing, and publication is not guaranteed. Check out www.pressbanner.com to submit your own listings that will appear in our online Datebook.


Submit Datebook items to [email protected], or drop off press releases or photos at 5215 Scotts Valley Drive, Ste. F, Scotts Valley 95066. Deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday. Entries are subject to editing, and publication is not guaranteed.

The Mountain Gardener: Garden trimmings gain new purpose to trim holiday halls

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose. The garden's been put to rest for the winter, now covered with a nice blanket of compost.

Untarnished etiquette: Aging should not be seen as a negative

Our Western culture tends to idealize youth, while showing little respect or courtesy for our aging, mature population. However, many countries in the world honor their elder citizens. Age, in those societies, is symbolic of experience, wisdom and knowledge, which is shared with the younger generations.

Your Health: Doctor becomes patient as cancer journey begins

For every article I write, I start research on my subject of choice and find I’m always learning something new, or I find the research to be very interesting. This week I’ve been forced to study up on a subject that I didn’t know much about, but only because it was something I was just diagnosed with: multiple myeloma. This is a cancer of the plasma cells which is growing in my bone marrow.

Eight ways to see yourself and the world differently for the New Year

I would like to suggest that some changes can be fun to do. Generally speaking, when we think about habit change, we think “negative” habits, am I right?

Scotts Valley Farmers’ Market welcomes Summer Sweets this Saturday

On Saturday, July 20, from 9am-1pm, the Scotts Valley Farmers’ Market comes to life with Summer Sweets, a FoodShed Project event celebrating all that is sweet, delicious and coming out of the fields and orchards. Market tables are heavy with stone fruit, berries and the...



Scotts Valley Council cheers fully-staffed milestone

As of mid-December, the City of Scotts Valley had caught up on its HR backlog and was fully staffed. This followed years of headaches...