Editor’s Note: Bruce Eddy is a retired sportswriter who for 20 years has driven from his home in Paso Robles to announce Scotts Valley High School football games from what was recently renamed the Bruce Eddy Booth.
Beginning promptly at 7:40 a.m. on Friday, retired Police Lieutenant John Hohmann begins his criminal justice class with a “behind the scenes” tour of the Scotts Valley Police Station. As part of the regional occupation program, 32 students from Scotts Valley High School are offered an opportunity to learn about the criminal justice system with hands on experience.
The legacy left behind by Lynn Beebe, former guidance counselor at Scotts Valley Middle School, will be in the Scotts Valley students who continue on to pursue a college degree.
After discussing the accomplishments of his first term and the priorities of his second term as a guest speaker at the North County Democratic Club meeting last week, Hart’s campaign pitch made it clear why he believes he would be a very difficult candidate to challenge in a general election.
The representation of women and girls in the media was the focus of a “dinner and a movie” fundraising event sponsored by the Scotts Valley Educational Foundation and the 1440 Foundation last week, raising money for a girl’s leadership club at Scotts Valley High School. The event, attended by approximately 200 people, was also aimed at raising awareness of how limited and sexist the portrayal of women and girls has generally been in the mainstream media.
This week, students at Scotts Valley High School participated in National Student Walkout Day on March 14, to honor the 17 students who died in the Parkland school shooting and to promote school safety.
The announcement of a new principal for Scotts Valley High School was met with praise and excitement during a Scotts Valley Unified School District board meeting Tuesday evening. The Trustees approved the hiring of Michael Hanson to be the next Principal for SVHS. Mike has worked at SVHS since 2006 where he was hired as a science teacher.
Scotts Valley Unified School District will be rolling out an alternative education program for Scotts Valley High juniors and seniors next school year called K Street Academy.