81.9 F
Scotts Valley
September 7, 2024

Letters to the Editor, Oct. 21

letters to the editor
Vote No on Measure T Regarding this publication’s story on Measure T, please don’t be fooled by empty promises by Boulder Creek Recreation and Park District. School parcel taxes can have a senior exemption, but state law makes no such provision for parcel taxes in general....

Letters to the Editor, Oct. 14

letters to the editor
Smolley is the right choice for SLVWD As environmental scientists, we are writing to support Mark Smolley for one of the open seats on the San Lorenzo Valley Water Board. Mark has extensive professional environmental protection experience that is relevant to SLV Water District projects....

Letters to the Editor, Sept. 16

letters to the editor
Kicking the Locals When They are Down  After reading “Work on Mural Starts as Target Opening Date Approaches,” I am highly disturbed by a series of decisions that Pratt Development made, which have real impacts on those of us who live in the San Lorenzo...

Letters to the Editor, Aug. 19

letters to the editor
Target to Displace Small Businesses As residents of Felton we, like many others, had looked forward to the opening of a new Target to fill the shopping void left by the Scotts Valley Kmart. However, as the new development is being built up with a...

Letters to the Editor, July 30

letters to the editor
Let’s keep our water rates affordable I think the numbers and logic regarding a proposed San Lorenzo Valley Water District surcharge simply do not add up. Water rates fund operations, reserves and long-term debt. Large infrastructure projects, including those required due to fire damages, are...

Everyone has a right to their opinion

In his letter published in the Press Banner on July 16, Mr. Gelblum expressed an opinion, taking me to task, that board members must always practice what he terms a “fiduciary responsibility” to form a unified front to the public. In essence, telling me...

Letters to the Editor, July 16

letters to the editor
Vote against the SLVWD increase I support my San Lorenzo Valley Water District but cannot in good conscience support the proposed surcharge. It is not about funding this disaster recovery nor other infrastructure projects. It is about what direction we want our district to take...

We need fiscal restraint

I’m a member of the San Lorenzo Valley Water District Board of Directors, but am speaking only for myself on this topic. Today, I’m responding to letters from Jim Mosher and Elaine Fresco. I welcome this debate since this decision will determine if the...

Letters to the Editor, October 30

Guest Column Viewpoint Letter
Pollak will be your voice As a parent of two young children and as a local community member, I whole-heartedly believe that Grace Pollak is exactly who we want and need on the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District School Board. Grace is a parent of...

Letters to the Editor, October 23

Guest Column Viewpoint Letter
Mahood has broad support  SLV Water District is facing several years of environmental and financial challenges in rebuilding after the CZU Fire, and I’m very grateful for—and strongly support—Gail Mahood for the SLVWD board. Gail, a geology professor at Stanford for 40 years, has the knowledge...



Paddy Smith Park blooms with new garden at Santa Cruz County...

The beautiful Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds are growing even more beautiful thanks to a colorful landscaping project at Paddy Smith Park. Jeff Rosendale, with Sierra...