Caltrans earmarked another $3.3 million so it can proceed with final designs and right-of-way components for the Highway 9 Felton Safety Improvements Project, the...
Monday, Aug. 24: CZU Lightning Complex fires had burned through 78,000 acres and destroyed 176 homes and six commercial buildings as of Monday afternoon, and 24,323 more structures were threatened in the path of the fire. The fire was only 13% contained.
Last week the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission posted the “Draft Highway 9 — San Lorenzo Valley Corridor Transportation Plan” on its website and is soliciting public comment before the plan becomes final.
It’s a chilly November morning as Ron Trader stands outside on the deck in Felton with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other. This is Trader’s morning ritual.
The ground was officially broken for the new Felton Library last Saturday, which brought together a large group of dedicated community members, several local elected officials and many county staff members to celebrate. The symbolic act of turning a shovel of dirt didn’t take long, but represented the culmination of more than a decade of collaborative effort to build a brand new, 8,900 square foot library in Felton.
RTC to host Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure
Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is hosting an Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure...